Sex is a taboo. The established social norms regarding sexuality act as obstacles instead of incentives for timely obtaining necessary information and knowledge. There are also stereotypes, which make communication about these important topics even more difficult.
if you have any dilemma or you simply want to know more about your reproductive health, potential challenges that you can face, and types of support that is available to you – you are in the right place.
On this web site you can find out:
- what we need to know as sexually active individuals
- which potential issues we can face and how we can protect ourselves properly
- when and why we should visit a gynaecologist or urologist and how often should we do that
- what are biological functions and needs of female body and is the impact of hormones really that significant
- what are biological functions and needs of male body
- how to stay healthy and plan our future
- which issues can we face on the path of reproduction
- when to seek help and from whom.
In the section ASK US you can ask questions directly to reproductive health experts who will answer them as soon as possible. Questions and dilemmas of your peers are also there, so you can also try and find answers to your question among them. We hope that this functionality of our web site will help you resolve some of your dilemmas. The INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT SYTEM is also available to you – within it you can make contact with experts and get help from them.
Remember: information and knowledge protect you from making bad decisions and help you stay healthy.
In order to enable young people to achieve optimal health, it is necessary to simultaneously offer them relevant information and education and also offer them support during development of their life skills. Young people usually learn about basic terms regarding sexuality through reality shows, sensationalistic media and social media. Thereby, they do not receive adequate information on prevention and potential risks for their reproductive health.
Lack of health-related education is the cause of the situation where man young people make important decisions that can impact their well-being in future. Reproductive health is not included in formal education as a topic, so many young people are not informed even about the basic facts.
Therefore, the main goal of the project “REthink your health”, within which this site has been developed, is creating an access to non-formal education which will enable young people to inform and educate themselves about their reproductive health.
In order to achieve this goal, within this project:
- we created non-formal education methods for raising the levels of knowledge about reproductive health,
- we established an online resource centre including the network of experts and youth organisations that work on raising the levels of knowledge about reproductive health among youth,
- we promoted importance of education on reproductive health and asked for support of institutions relevant for education on reproductive health.
Main results of the project are curricula for education on reproductive health, prevention and support systems, developed by numerous youth workers and reproductive health experts.
Project “REthink your health” is supported by Tempus Foundation as a part of Erasmus+ Program by European Union and is implemented by: Chance for Parenthood (Serbia) an Connect International (Belgium).